
Dicksndonuts started as a place for me to share my rants, raves, and perspectives on things that happen in my everyday life.

Who am I?

I am a 26 year old startup-working, goal-seeking, travel-loving, dog-obsessing, good old basic B.  Who also happens to love hip-hop music, doing hoodrat stuff with her friends, and making people laugh.

Why am I doing this?

I seem to have a story for every day.  Plus, I love to write.  And, if anyone can relate to what I have to share, then that’s just an added plus.

What will I write about?

Whatever the fuck I feel like.  Love, life, family, friends, my dog, sex, funny stories…If you’re young or were once young, you’ll probably be able to relate.  If you’re my Dad, please stop reading here.